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Planning Board Minutes 11/01/2018
    Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday November 1, 2018

Members Present: Chairman Stan Brehm, , Richard Moore, Tom Houle, Ann Davis, Richard Bouchard, Ed Millette-ex-officio, Dr. Keven Mara, DVM. and Kristy Barnouski Secretary.  

Others present: Joe Wichert, Russ Abbott, Ray Prue, John Healy, Leo Dumont, Scott Frankiewicz, Mary Lambert, Candice Lavoie, Allan Lavoie, Bob Mann, Gail Scott, Neal Scott, Karen Head, Ken Head, Jon Rokeh, Adam Towne, Ken Lambert, Jim Plunkett, Matt Cole, Todd Hammond, Marlene Hammond, Cheyenne Wilson, Calgary MacKenzie, Karen Lesmerises, Alan Lesmerises, Chief Alan Quimby, and other members of the public.

 Mr. Brehm called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.

Mr. Williams is absent for this meeting and Dr. Mara will be a voting member in his absence.  

Mr. made by Ms. Davis made a motion and Mr. Houle seconded to approve the minutes of October 25, 2018 with the proposed changes. Motion passes.

Public Hearing- Subdivision for Acorn Creek Properties, LLC. 263 Dover Road.  Map 3 Lot 32
Engineer: Joseph Wichert, L.L.S., Inc.
Property Owner: Russ Abbott
Mr. Wichert came before the Board with a Subdivision Plan for the 53.7 acre parcel located on Dover Road.   The proposed subdivision consists of the current building lot plus two extra lots with frontage on Dover Road.  Mr. Wichert explained that Mr. Abbott had previously came before the board to discuss whether or not he could submit a waiver to do a partial topographic survey instead of the full boundary survey.  The Board agreed and the proper waiver request was submitted with this application.  These proposed new lots have submitted an application to D.O.T. District 5 for curb cuts on Route 4.  Mr. Wichert explained to the Board that they applied for the existing building lots curb cut on Route 4 to be repurposed for the second proposed lot and they applied for an additional curb cut for the third lot which will require a wetlands permit. He stated that he did speak with D.O.T. already and they seemed to be ok with the proposed plan.  They are currently still waiting for final approval.  
Ms. Davis made a motion and Mr. Brehm seconded to accept the subdivision plan for Acorn Creek Properties, LLC. as complete.  Motion passes.  
Mr. Mara made a motion and Mr. Houle seconded to find that the proposed subdivision for Acorn Creek Properties, LLC. has no regional impact.  Motion passes.   
Mr. Brehm recommended that they keep all three lots with at least 300ft of road frontage so they could all be used for industrial use.  Mr. Wichert stated that they came up with the current proposal for the best building envelope and stated they could always do a lot line adjustment in the future if needed.  
Mr. Mann of the Conservation Commission stated that he has reviewed the plan and that the Commission will look at the lots more closely particularly the driveway with the wetlands when the lots are developed.  
Dr. Mara made a motion and Ms. Davis seconded to grant Acorn Creek Properties, LLC. a conditional approval for the proposed 3 lot subdivision, Map 3 Lot 32, pending D.O.T. driveway approval for the two additional lots.  Motion passes.  
Driveway Permit Review- Jim Plunkett, Road Agent & Matthew Cole, Building Inspector.
Mr. Plunkett stated that some residents are not building slopes correctly and as a result it is washing out roads and fire apparatus cannot make it up the driveways.  Mr. Plunkett would like to regulate this by adding an “as built” into Section of the proposed Driveway permit. Mr. Plunkett stated that he would like to include the back pitch in this as well.
Mr. Moore suggested they look to D.O.T. and use their algebraic equation for pitch.  
Dr. Mara suggested that it is also added that culverts cannot be removed without the permission of the Road Agent.  
Mr. Plunkett wanted to stress the “as built” so in five years it can be brought to the homeowner for correction if there is an unauthorized change.  
Both Mr. Plunkett and Mr. Cole will be making changes to the working draft and will bring forward the revised copy at a later date.  

Conceptual-CM Trailer, 46 Dover Road.  Map 4 Lot 147
Engineer: Jon Rokeh
Business owner: Calgary Mackenzie
Mr. Rokeh and Mr. Mackenzie came before the Board conceptually to discuss moving forward on the site plan for the December 6th hearing.  Mr. Mackenzie owns CM Trailer which is currently in Lugg Plaza on Dover Road.  He would like to relocate his business to this property and also reside there. The Board discussed how he would be accessing Route 4.  The applicant would like to use Cross Road however Mr. Rokeh stated that he will need to apply for a wetlands crossing permit.  The applicant stated that he will not be building any new buildings but will be removing one of the garages.  
The applicant plans to submit an application for Site Plan Review and have a public hearing on December 6, 2018.

Publicly Notified Conceptual- Short Falls Road. Map 1 Lot 5A
Engineer: Scott Frankiewicz of Brown Engineering and Surveying.  Leo Dumont.
Land Owner: Karey Dumont
Mr. Dumont came before the Board with Mr. Frankiewicz of Brown Engineering with a proposed conceptual plan for a six lot open space development on Short Falls Road.  The lot size is 35.026 acres and the development would utilize approximately 6 acres. Mr. Dumont explained that he would like to make one more lot with the road frontage on Short Falls Road, and use the deeded access easement he has on another property to build a Road to be taken over by the Town.  The access road would be 900ft which would lead to a cul-de-sac.   The lots in the cul-de-sac would all be roughly 1 acre.  
Mr. Moore stated that he was hung up on not having any road frontage on Short Falls Road.  Mr. Dumont stated that he would be creating frontage by building an access road.  There was also a question of what happens with the open space area after its developed.  The engineer was under the impression that if it was within a certain size then the Town would take it over.  This is something that the Planning Board will have to research.  
Abutters Mary and Ken Lambert came to the meeting to voice their concerns.  Mr. Lambert feels as though they were tricked into giving Mr. Dumont deeded access.  He did agree to give him access to back land however he had no idea he would have a road running through his property to a large development.  He also stated that his house is not shown on the plan and if it was the Board would see how close to his house the easement is.  
Mrs. Lavoie another abutter stated that she is concerned about two way traffic on Short Falls Road.  She stated that the road has very large ditches and it’s hard to see where the road ends. If the development was built it would add a minimum of twelve extra cars several times a day.  Mr. Brehm stated that if this project moved forward the Road would have to be built to Town spec and the Town would also ask the developer to make appropriate improvements to Short Falls Road as well.  
Mr. Brehm suggested that Mr. Dumont start a $500.00 escrow account for plan review to start.   A meeting will be called for Town Officials to determine if the Town will require improvements to Short Falls Road. This plan will also need Town Engineer review and a Fire Protection cistern of a minimum of 30,000 gallons will be required.  
This conceptual meeting is tabled until December 6,2018.

Noticed Conceptual- DBU Construction, 10 Dover Road. Map 4 Lot 151
Engineer: Jon Rokeh
Land Owner: Adam Towne
Mr. Rokeh came before the Board to discuss a proposed subdivision and lot line adjustment that will be done in stages including an Industrial park with a large office building, several contractor yards, a commercial building and a employee parking lot.  
The Board asked if they had spoken to fire yet about fire suppression.  They have not yet, but they will meet with Chichester FD to discuss this further.  The Board also advised Mr. Towne and Mr. Rokeh to apply for their alteration of terrain permit.  
Mr. Rokeh stated that they will be paving the parking lots and entry ways to buildings and also out front around the commercial building.  They are also in touch with D.O.T. and think they will be able to get 3 driveway cuts due to the year the lot was created.  
A few concerns that the Board had was that the pavement of the front building was out of the D.O.T. right of way and also that the new buildings were set inside the 1000ft Commercial/Industrial area.  

Interested new member-
Mr. John Healy came to attend another meeting and to express his interest in being a member of the Planning Board.  
The Board welcomed his interest and Mrs. Barnouski took his contact information to be in touch.  

Rules and Procedures Review-
The Board reviewed the rules and procedures and made some minor corrections.  Mrs. Barnouski will make the changes and schedule a public hearing for December 6, 2018 to adopt the new changes.  

Adjournment- Having no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Brehm made a motion and seconded by Mr. Mara to adjourn the meeting at 9:36pm.
Respectfully submitted,